TENT wants to contribute to a better world. We use the codes to set up step-by-step good working practices with an eye for the well-being of the people we work with and an awareness of the society we are part of. We learn by doing and involve the makers in this process.
Fair Practice Code
In recent years, TENT's working practices have been thoroughly developed along the lines of the CODE FAIR PRACTICE, with themes such as fair pay, safety, trust, transparency, inclusion and sustainability. We are also developing a plan to reduce our environmental impact. Our financial statements are transparent, audited and shared with direct parties and stakeholders, and published on the website.
Compensation policy
Since its foundation, TENT has been paying both employees of the organisation and artists involved on a freelance basis according to the collective agreement guidelines of the CAO THEATER EN DANS. Since 2021, we have applied the fair pay code both for salaried staff and freelancers working on a project basis. We require makers to work fully in accordance with the collective labour agreement in projects. We always work on a contract basis, except for work for less than ten days (agreements per order confirmation). To convert CAO wages to freelance rates, we use the calculation tool "CAO salary to zzp rate" published on the digiPACCT website.
Governance Code Cultuur
The GOVERNANCE CODE CULTUUR provides a framework for good governance and supervision in cultural organisations. TENT subscribes to the code and the principles and recommendations of the code are applied by regularly testing them against the functioning of the foundation.
View the Supervisory Board regulations HERE and the management regulations HERE.
View TENT's procedure on independence and conflicting interests HERE.
Code Diversity and Inclusion
Our Diversity and Inclusion policy is founded on two core concepts that contribute to TENT as a learning environment and circus as an art form: plurality and accessibility. We are attentive to and promote plurality in stories and perspectives, as this contributes to looking beyond one's own frames and to the emancipation and awareness of less known perspectives and stories. We are attentive to the well-being of people we work with and to the accessibility of our range so that everyone can participate. Read more about the CODE DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION here.