TENT house for contemporary circus

In 1991, I, Hanna de Vletter, was born in Nijmegen, where I also took my first circus classes. I studied at the circus academy in Rotterdam (Codarts, Circus Arts) and specialized in static trapeze. After graduating in the Netherlands in 2013, I started exploring French circus, first at the circus school in Paris and then in Toulouse. Since 2017, I have been working with several French and Belgian companies as a performing trapeze artist. Previously with Compagnie Virevolt, La June and Elodie Doñaque and currently with compagnie Rhizome/Chloé Moglia. 

A desire to uncompromisingly explore my own vision of circus led me to the idea of creating a solo performance. Since 2020, I have been working on my debut as a circus maker: Dove. The performance is beyond personal. In this process, I seek honesty with myself and with the audience. How can we share a moment without being trapped by our expectations? 

I got to know TENT, before TENT was TENT, with a project from my childhood circus. To come back after so much time in France, to be able to create in the country where I grew up, as a Maker for a week at TENT! That feels very special.


 hanna.de.vletter  hanna.de.vletter