TENT house for contemporary circus

Behind the scenes of contemporary circus practice. Host Maaike Muis

Circus Whispers is the podcast channel by TENT for circus makers and circus fans from home and abroad. Discover in various podcast series the themes, techniques and pitfalls that are driving a new generation of makers. With real-life stories from emerging and advanced circus makers from the Netherlands. Please also fill in our survey 2024 and help improve Circus Whispers in 10 questions (2 minutes)!

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Trends and waves in the circus field

#1 Teaser: Experts on trends • Gwendolien Sabbe, DrĂ© Demet, Kevin Wratten, Lotta Nevalainen, Menno van Dyke • release 18 July
#2 Audience • Michael Zandl, Profondo Rosso • release 25 July
#3 Apparatus • Jakob Jacobsson, Berkey • release 1 Aug
#4 Identity • If Circus, Insurgentes Company • release 8 Aug

An insight into There There company's Sharing is scary concept

For the third time, circus artists came together to share their working practices and methodology directly from the rehearsal studio. The initiator is the Belgian company There There Company. Ism. Circuswerkplaatsw Cirklabo.
#1 Cox Ahlers, Xenia Bannusscher, Aurelie Tercier, Cecilia Rosso • release 25 jan

How does international collaboration work in practice

Over the course of a year, podcast maker Maaike Muis made recordings of the international collaborations between TENT in Amsterdam and Jacksons Lane and Split Second in London as part of TENT's Fast Forward trajectory*. In three episodes, you will be taken through their job-shadowing, their joint R&D and to a showcase of the Dutch circus in London. In this three-part podcast series, you'll hear more about what an international collaboration entails in practice and the practical hurdles and some cultural clashes TENT faced in producing post-Brexit.

#1 Jobshadowing • release Jan 25
#2 Coproducing • release Jan 25
#3 Showcasing • release Jan 25

*The Performing Arts Fund's NL Fast Forward trajectory enables mid-career performing artists to spread their wings internationally and exchange knowledge with other professionals.


Obstacles and wonderment of new circus makers.

In this podcast series we talk to young artists who are moving in the circus discipline. Just before they enter the studio we invite them for an open conversation. Together, we discuss their artistry: topics, themes and practical dilemmas that concern them, their generation and the circus field. And small questions, obstacles and wonderment. We catch a glimpse of the creative work process and they might even give a hint of their next dream project.

Podcast Maker Maaike Muis

#1 Sianna Bruce & Saar Rombout • release 8 juni
#2 Lily&Janick • release 22 juni
#3 Samuel Rhyner • release 6 juli
#4 Susanna Paavola • release 14 sep
#5 Fenja Barteldres • release 28 sep
#6 Hanna de Vletter • release 12 okt

2022 • SEASON 2
Podcast Maker Maaike Muis

#1 Petra Steindl & Felix Zech • release 22.09.2022
#2 Arend de Jonge • release 27.09.2022
#3 Jam Shenanigans • release 20.10.2022
#4 Harvey Cobb • release 3.11.2022
#5 Jorga Lok • release 1.12.2022
#6 Maria Madeira • release 8.12.2022

2021 • SEASON 1
Podcast Maker Nadja van der Weide

#1 House of Circus • release 3.05.2021
#2 Luuk Brantjes • release 12.05.202
#3 Jessica Hellmuth • release 28.05.2021
#4 Marth De kinder & Jan De Kinder • release 6.06.2021
​#5 Liza van Brakel • release 21.09.2021
​#6 Sinking Sideways • release 16.12.2021